Cover: The Secret Adventures of Charlotte Bronte by Laura Joh Rowland - click to order

The Secret Adventures of Charlotte Bronte

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                          The quiz...

The quiz...

Laura's contest is over but we've left the questions here, just for fun. Mouse-over the "answer" block beside each question to see the answer and, if you wish, click through for more information. (Links open new browser windows, off-site.) Who won? Click here to find out.

1. Whom did Charlotte marry?

Arthur Bell Nichols
2. What disease killed Charlotte’s
    sisters and brother?
3. What was the name of the
     fantasy land that Charlotte wrote
     about when she was a child?
4. Where did Jane Eyre go to school? Lowood School
5. What real person was the character of      Monsieur Paul in Charlotte’s novel,      Villette, based upon? Constantin Heger

The Winners!Victorian floral motif

Two lucky winners were drawn at random from all correct entries received. Congratulations to Dawn Miears of Oklahoma and Precie Schroyer of Pennsylvania who will each receive an autographed ARC (Advance Reading Copy) of The Secret Adventures of Charlotte Bronte by Laura Joh Rowland.

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